Mr.Zhuang Weixion,GM of Aperfect:Smart Supply Chain Under Industrial Internet[阅读详细]
印度皮革出口理事会防护鞋类事务主席 Mr. Rakesh Suri:以皮鞋为重点的智慧制造
Mr. Rakesh Suri,Chair of Protective footwear of the Council for Leather exports of India :Wisdom Manufacturing with Special Focus on Leather Footwear[阅读详细]
孟加拉海湾集团总经理&鞋业商会副主席Mr.Ziaur Rahman :孟加拉的鞋业现况和投资环境
Mr.Ziaur Rahman,MD of Bay Group & Vice Chairman of Footwear Business Association : Current Situation and Investment Environment of Footwear Industry in Bangladesh[阅读详细]
Mr. Eddy Widjanarko,President of Indonesian Footwear Association : Overview Footwear Industry in Indonesia.[阅读详细]
双驰实业市场营销副总裁SVP of SEMS Mr. Joël Lecroq & Affinity网络公司CEO Mr. Herman Wong :未来的鞋业工厂
Mr. Joël Lecroq,SVP of SEMS& Mr. Herman Wong,CEO of Affinity Network :The Factory of the Future
Interactive forum: New Global Supply Under New Innovation
全球鞋类合作伙伴关系组织主席Mr.Peter Mangione: 贸易战时代的全球鞋类发展
Mr.Peter Mangione,President of Global Footwear Partnerships :Global Footwear Development in the Trade War Era[阅读详细]
中国皮革协会专委会主任路华 :2019中国鞋业市场回顾
Mr. Lu Hua,Director of the China Leather Industry Association :Overview of Chinese Shoe Industry 2019[阅读详细]
Mr.Zhexiang Gao,Anta Business Department Director :Coordination Incubation to Create Running Value[阅读详细]
Mr. Xu Zhihua,CEO of PEAK Sports:The Star of Domestic Production! The Strength of Peak’s Advanced Technology[阅读详细]
特步集团总裁特别助理李彤 :特步的三双鞋
Mr.Li Tong,Special Assistant to President of X-tep Group :X-tep's Three Shoes[阅读详细]
零度皮鞋CEO 涂春荣 :皮鞋黑科技的诞生——原来新零售可以这么玩
Mr.Tu Chunrong,CEO of Zero Brand:The Birth of Leather Shoes Black Technology -- Playing well with New Retail
高邑县经济开发区管委会主任 曹霄强:携手北方鞋都,共创鞋业辉煌
Mr.xiaoqiang cao,Director of Management Committee of Gaoyi Economic Development Zone: Hand in Hand with the Northern Shoe Capital to Create a Brilliant Shoe Industry
新百伦鞋业创新采购负责人 Mr.Bruno Forcione :品牌运动鞋——创新模式、基础设施和方法
Mr.Bruno Forcione,Head of Innovation & Footwear Sourcing :Branded Athletic Footwear - Innovation Model, Infrastructure & Approach[阅读详细]
Mr. Wang Guoquan,CEO of EMMA Group :‘Data-driven, Swift Victory’: Intelligent Cutting Technology to build a Fast Supply System[阅读详细]
汉高全球(运动与时尚)市场总监任都: 汉高粘合剂助力鞋业绿色发展
Mr.Ren Du ,Henkel Global Marketing Director:Henkel Adhesives Assists Green Development of Footwear Industry[阅读详细]
舒普市场总监洪国强&舒普结构工程师Mr.Bob : 鞋面智能缝纫和鞋厂智能立体仓
Mr.Hong Guoqiang ,Supreme Marketing Director&Mr.Bob,Supreme Mechanical Engineer:Intelligent Sewing & Intelligent Cubic warehouse[阅读详细]
Mr. Tan Yongping ,Chief Consultant of Huazhi Shoes&Apparel Innovation College:New Intelligent Manufacturing in the New Retail Scene
Ms.Li Changhong , GM of Quanyi Shoe Machine:Big Changed of Fujian Shoes Industry: a Myth Created within Three Months
Mr.Wang Wenping ,GM of Xinshengzhan Shoes Machine:Innovative Solutions for Smart Factory of Shoe Industry
BlueMaka创始人兼总裁Mr.Stuart Jenkins :革新鞋类工具以加快上市速度
Mr.Stuart Jenkins , President & Founder of BluMaka:Sustainability and Tyranny of Tooling